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- Neural codes track prior events in a narrative and predict subsequent memory for details
Collin, S.H.P., Kempner, R.P., Srivatsan, S., & Norman, K.A. (2024). bioRxiv.
- Inducing representational change in the hippocampus through real-time neurofeedback
Peng, K., Wammes, J.D., Nguyen, A., Iordan, M.C., Norman, K.A., & Turk-Browne, N.B. (2023). bioRxiv.
- Differentiation and integration of competing memories: a neural network model
Ritvo, V.J.H., Nguyen, A., Turk-Browne, N.B., & Norman, K.A. (2023). bioRxiv.
- Large language models can segment narrative events similarly to humans
Michelmann, S., Kumar, M., Norman, K.A., & Toneva, M. (2023). arXiv.
- Sculpting new visual concepts into the human brain
Iordan, M.C., Ritvo, V.J.H., Norman, K.A., Turk-Browne, N.B. & Cohen, J.D. (2020). bioRxiv.
- Shared representational geometry across neural networks
Lu, Q., Chen, P.H., Pillow, J.W., Ramadge, P., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2018). arXiv.