Lu, Q., Hummos A., & Norman, K.A. (2024). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 46.
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MindEye2: Shared-subject models enable fMRI-to-image with 1 hour of data
Scotti, P.S., Tripathy, M., Villanueva, C.K.T., Kneeland, R., Chen, T., Narang, A., Santhirasegaran, C., Xu, J., Naselaris, T., Norman, K.A., & Abraham, T.M. (2024). Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning.
Reconciling shared versus context‑specific information in a neural network model of latent causes
Lu, Q., Nguyen, T.T., Zhang, Q., Hasson, U., Griffiths, T.L., Zacks, J.M., Gershman, S.J., & Norman, K.A. (2024). Scientific Reports.
Shared functional specialization in transformer-based language models and the human brain
Kumar, S., Sumers, T.R., Yamakoshi, T., Goldstein, A., Hasson, U., Norman, K.A., Griffiths, T.L., Hawkins, R.D., & Nastase, S.A. (2024). Nature Communications.
Eye tracking evidence for the reinstatement of emotionally negative and neutral memories
Brooks, P.P., Guzman, B.A., Kensinger, E.A., Norman, K.A., & Ritchey, M. (2024). PLoS ONE.
Blocked training facilitates learning of multiple schemas
Beukers, A.O., Collin, S.H.P., Kempner, R.P., Franklin, N.T., Gershman, S.J., & Norman, K.A. (2024). Communications Psychology.
Improving memory search through model-based cue selection
Cornell, C.A., Norman, K.A., Griffiths, T.L., & Zhang, Q. (2024). Psychological Science.
Reconstructing the mind’s eye: fMRI-to-image with contrastive learning and diffusion priors
Scotti, P.S., Banerjee, A., Goode, J., Shabalin, S., Nguyen, A., Cohen, E., Dempster, A.J., Verlinde, N., Yundler, E., Weisberg, D., Norman, K.A., & Abraham, T.M. (2023). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 37.
When working memory may be just working, not memory
Beukers, A.O., Hamin, M., Norman, K.A., & Cohen, J.D. (2023). Psychological Review.
Bayesian surprise predicts human event segmentation in story listening
Kumar, M., Goldstein, A., Michelmann, S., Zacks, J.M., Hasson, U., & Norman, K.A. (2023). Cognitive Science.
Test-retest reliability of the human connectome: An OPM-MEG study
Rier, L., Michelmann, S., Ritz, H., Shah, V., Hill, R.M., Osborne, J., Doyle, C., Holmes, N., Bowtell, R., Brookes, M.J., Norman, K.A., Hasson, U., Cohen, J.D., & Boto, E. (2023). Imaging Neuroscience.
Optimal metacognitive control of memory recall
Callaway, F., Griffiths, T.L., Norman, K.A., & Zhang, Q. (2023). Psychological Review.
Associative memory retrieval modulates upcoming perceptual decisions
Bornstein, A.M., Aly, M., Feng, S.F., Turk-Browne, N.B., Norman, K.A., & Cohen, J.D. (2023). Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.
* fMRI data
Neural representations of naturalistic events are updated as our understanding of the past changes
Zadbood, A., Nastase, S., Chen, J., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2022). eLife.
Evidence that event boundaries are access points for memory retrieval
Michelmann, S., Hasson, U., & Norman, K.A. (2023). Psychological Science.
How well do unsupervised learning algorithms model human real-time and life-long learning?
Zhuang, C., Xiang, V., Bai, Y., Jia, X., Turk-Browne, N., Norman, K., DiCarlo, J.J., & Yamins, D.L. (2022). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 36.
A model of autonomous interactions between hippocampus and neocortex driving sleep-dependent memory consolidation
Singh, D., Norman, K.A., & Schapiro, A.C. (2022). PNAS.
Optimal policies for free recall
Zhang, Q., Griffiths, T.L., & Norman, K.A. (2022). Psychological Review.
RT-Cloud: A cloud-based software framework to simplify and standardize real-time fMRI
Wallace, G., Polcyn, S., Brooks, P.P., Mennen, A.C., Zhao, K., Scotti, P.S., Michelmann, S., Li, K., Turk-Browne, N.B., Cohen, J.D., & Norman, K.A. (2022). Neuroimage.
Rational use of episodic and working memory: a normative account of prospective memory
Momennejad, I., Lewis-Peacock, J., Norman, K.A., Cohen, J.D., Singh, S., & Lewis, R.L. (2021). Neuropsychologia.
Schema representations in distinct brain networks support narrative memory during encoding and retrieval
Masís-Obando, R., Norman, K.A., & Baldassano, C. (2022). ELife.
Relating the past with the present: information integration and segregation during ongoing narrative processing
Chang, C.H.C., Lazaridi, C., Yeshurun, Y., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2021). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Learning to perform role-filler binding with schematic knowledge
Chen, C., Lu, Q., Beukers, A., Baldassano, C., & Norman, K.A. (2021). PeerJ.
Neural alignment predicts learning outcomes in students taking an introduction to computer science course
Meshulam, M., Hasenfratz, L., Hillman, H., Liu, Y., Nguyen, M., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2021). Nature Communications.
Brain kernel: a new spatial covariance function for fMRI data
Wu, A., Nastase, S.A., Baldassano, C.A., Turk-Browne, N.B., Norman, K.A., Engelhardt, B.E., & Pillow, J.W. (2021). Neuroimage.
Increasing stimulus similarity drives nonmonotonic representational change in hippocampus
Wammes, J.D., Norman, K.A., & Turk-Browne, N.B. (2022). ELife.
High-order areas and auditory cortex both represent the high-level event structure of music
Williams, J.A., Margulis, E.H., Nastase, S.A., Chen, J., Hasson, U., Norman, K.A., & Baldassano, C. (2022). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Narratives: fMRI data for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension
Nastase, S.A., Liu, Y., Hillman, H., Zadbood, A., Hasenfratz, L., Keshavarzian, N., Chen, J., Honey, C.J., Yeshurun, Y., Regev, M., Nguyen, M., Chang, C.H., Baldassano, C., Lositsky, O., Simony, E., Chow, M.A., Leong, Y.C., Brooks, P.P., Micciche, E., Choe, G., Goldstein, A., Vanderwal, T., Halchenko, Y.O., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2021). Nature Scientific Data.
Multiple memories can be simultaneously reactivated during sleep as effectively as a single memory
Schechtman, E., Antony, J.W., Lampe, A., Wilson, B.J., Norman, K.A., & Paller, K.A. (2021). Communications Biology.
Shared computational principles for language processing in humans and deep language models
Goldstein, A., Zada, Z., Buchnik, E., Schain, M., Price, A., Aubrey, B., Nastase, S.A., Feder, A., Emanuel, D., Cohen, A., Jansen, A., Gazula, H., Choe, G., Rao, A., Kim, C., Casto, C., Lora, F., Flinker, A., Devore, S., Doyle, W., Friedman, D., Dugan, P., Hassidim, A., Brenner, M., Matias, Y., Norman, K.A., Devinsky, O., & Hasson, U. (2022). Nature Neuroscience.
Moment-by-moment tracking of naturalistic learning and its underlying hippocampo-cortical interactions
Michelmann, S., Price, A.R., Aubrey, B., Doyle, W.K., Friedman, D., Dugan, P.C., Devinsky, O., Devore, S., Flinker, A., Hasson, U., & Norman, K.A. (2021). Nature Communications.
BrainIAK: The Brain Imaging Analysis Kit
Kumar, M., Anderson, M.J., Antony, J.W., Baldassano C., Brooks, P.P., Cai, M.B., Chen, P.H.C., Ellis, C.T., Henselman-Petrusek, G., Huberdeau, D., Hutchinson, J.B., Li, P.Y., Lu, Q., Manning, J.R., Mennen, A.C., Nastase, S.A., Hugo, R., Schapiro, A.C., Schuck, N.W., Shvartsman, M., Sundaram, N., Suo, D., Turek, J.S., Turner, D., Vo, V.A., Wallace, G., Wang, Y., Williams, J.A., Zhang, H., Zhu, X., Capota, M., Cohen, J.D., Hasson, U., Li, K., Ramadge, P.J., Turk-Browne, N.B., Willke, T.L. & Norman, K.A. (2022). Aperture Neuro.
Behavioral, physiological, and neural signatures of surprise during naturalistic sports viewing
Antony, J.W., Hartshorne, T.H., Pomeroy, K., Gureckis, T.M., Hasson, U., McDougle, S.D. & Norman, K.A. (2020). Neuron.
Cloud-based fMRI neurofeedback to reduce the negative attentional bias in depression: a proof-of-concept study
Mennen, A.C., Turk-Browne, N.B., Wallace, G., Seok, D., Jaganjac, A., Stock, J., deBettencourt, M.T., Cohen, J.D., Norman, K.A. & Sheline, Y.I. (2020). Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
Context-dependent memory effects in two immersive virtual reality environments: on Mars and underwater
Shin, Y.S., Masís-Obando, R., Keshavarzian, N., Davé, R. & Norman, K.A. (2020). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Temporal integration of narrative information in a hippocampal amnesic patient
Zuo, X., Honey, C.J., Barense, M.D., Crombie, D., Norman, K.A., Hasson, U. & Chen, J. (2020). Neuroimage.
Relating visual production and recognition of objects in human visual cortex
Fan, J. E., Wammes, J. D., Gunn, J. B., Yamins, D. L., Norman, K. A., & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience.
A generalization becomes suppressed over time in the context of exceptions
Tachihara, K., Norman, K.A., Turk-Browne, N., & Goldberg, A.E. (2019). Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Leveraging shared connectivity to aggregate heterogeneous datasets into a common response space
Nastase, S.A., Liu, Y., Hillman, H., Norman, K.A. & Hasson, U. (2020). Neuroimage.
Targeted memory reactivation during sleep elicits neural signals related to learning content
Wang, B., Antony, J., Lurie, S., Brooks, P.P., Paller, K., & Norman, K.A. (2019). Journal of Neuroscience.
Reward prediction errors create event boundaries in memory
Rouhani, N., Norman, K. A., Niv, Y., & Bornstein, A. M. (2020). Cognition.
BrainIAK tutorials: user-friendly learning materials for advanced fMRI analysis
Kumar, M., Ellis, C.T., Lu, Q., Zhang, H., Capota, M., Willke, T.L., Ramadge, P.J., Turk-Browne, N.B., & Norman, K.A. (2020). PLoS Computational Biology.
Structured event memory: a neuro-symbolic model of event cognition
Franklin, N.T., Norman, K.A., Ranganath, C., Zacks, J.M. & Gershman, S.J. (2020). Psychological Review.
Offline replay supports planning in human reinforcement learning
Momennejad, I., Otto, A.R., Daw, N., & Norman, K.A. (2018). ELife.
* fMRI data
Refresh my memory: Episodic memory reinstatements intrude on working memory maintenance
Hoskin, A.N., Bornstein, A.M., Norman, K.A., & Cohen, J.D. (2018). Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience.
* fMRI data
Representation of real-world event schemas during narrative perception
Baldassano, C., Hasson, U., & Norman, K.A. (2018). Journal of Neuroscience.
* Analysis Code
* fMRI data (intact)
* fMRI data (scrambled)
Human hippocampal replay during rest prioritizes weakly-learned information and predicts memory performance
Schapiro, A.C., McDevitt, E.A., Rogers, T.T., Mednick, S.C., & Norman, K.A. (2018). Nature Communications.
* fMRI data
Competitive learning modulates memory consolidation during sleep
Antony, J., Cheng, L.Y., Brooks, P.P., Paller, K., & Norman, K.A. (2018). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
* Data and code
Reductions in retrieval competition predict the benefit of repeated testing
Rafidi, N.S., Hulbert, J.C., Brooks, P.P., & Norman, K.A. (2018). Scientific Reports.
* Data
* Analysis Code
Neurofeedback helps to reveal a relationship between context reinstatement and memory retrieval
deBettencourt, M.T., Turk-Browne, N.B., & Norman, K.A. (2019). Neuroimage.
Neural overlap in item representations across episodes impairs context memory
Kim, G., Norman, K.A., & Turk-Browne, N.B. (2018). Cerebral Cortex.
* fMRI data
Sleep spindle refractoriness segregates periods of memory reactivation
Antony, J., Piloto, L., Wang, M., Pacheco, P., Norman, K.A., & Paller, K. (2018). Current Biology.
* Data and code
A probabilistic approach to discovering dynamic full-brain functional connectivity patterns
Manning, J., Zhu, X., Willke, T., Ranganath, R., Stachenfeld, K., Hasson, U., Blei, D.M., & Norman, K.A. (2018). Neuroimage.
Sleep benefits memory for semantic category structure while preserving exemplar-specific information
Schapiro, A.C., McDevitt, E.A., Chen, L., Norman, K.A., Mednick, S.C., & Rogers, T.T. (2017). Scientific Reports.
How we transmit memories to other brains: Constructing shared neural representations via communication
Zadbood, A., Chen, J., Leong, Y.C., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2017). Cerebral Cortex.
* fMRI data
Discovering event structure in continuous narrative perception and memory
Baldassano, C., Chen, J., Zadbood, A., Pillow, J.W., Hasson, U., & Norman, K.A. (2017). Neuron.
Mapping between fMRI responses to movies and their natural language annotations
Vodrahalli, K., Chen, P.H., Liang, Y., Baldassano, C., Chen, J., Yong, E., Honey, C., Hasson, U., Ramadge, P., Norman, K.A., & Arora, S. (2017). Neuroimage.
Multiple-object tracking as a tool for parametrically modulating memory reactivation
Poppenk, J. & Norman, K.A. (2017). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Forgetting from lapses in sustained attention
deBettencourt, M.T., Norman, K.A., & Turk-Browne, N.B. (2017). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
* Analysis Code
Reinstated episodic context guides sampling-based decisions for reward
Bornstein, A.M. & Norman, K.A. (2017). Nature Neuroscience.
* fMRI data
The computational nature of memory modification
Gershman, S.J., Monfils, M.H., Norman, K.A., & Niv, Y. (2017). ELife.
Shared memories reveal shared structure in neural activity across individuals
Chen, J., Leong, Y.C., Honey, C.J., Yong, C. H., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2017). Nature Neuroscience.
* fMRI data
Lingering representations of stimuli influence recall organization
Chan, S.C.Y., Applegate, M.C., Morton, N.W., Polyn, S.M., & Norman, K.A. (2017). Neuropsychologia.
* fMRI data
Neural differentiation of incorrectly predicted memories
Kim, G., Norman, K.A., & Turk-Browne, N.B. (2017). Journal of Neuroscience.
* fMRI data
Neural evidence of the strategic choice between working memory and episodic memory in prospective remembering
Lewis-Peacock, J.A., Cohen, J.D., & Norman, K.A. (2016). Neuropsychologia.
* fMRI data
Complementary learning systems within the hippocampus: A neural network modeling approach to reconciling episodic memory with statistical learning
Schapiro, A.C., Turk-Browne, N.B., Botvinick, M.M., & Norman, K.A. (2016). Philosophical Transactions B.
Neural pattern change during encoding of a narrative predicts retrospective duration estimates
Lositsky, O., Chen, J., Toker, D., Honey, C.J., Poppenk, J.L., Hasson, U., & Norman, K.A. (2016). ELife.
* fMRI data
A probability distribution over latent causes, in the orbitofrontal cortex
Chan, S.C.Y., Niv, Y., & Norman, K.A. (2016). Journal of Neuroscience.
* fMRI data
A neural signature of contextually mediated intentional forgetting
Manning, J.R., Hulbert, J.C., Williams, J., Piloto, L., Sahakyan, L., & Norman, K.A. (2016). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
* fMRI data
Statistical learning of temporal community structure in the hippocampus
Schapiro, A.C., Turk-Browne, N.B., Norman, K.A., & Botvinick, M.M. (2016). Hippocampus.
Accessing real-life episodic information from minutes versus hours earlier modulates Hippocampal and High-Order Cortical Dynamics
Chen, J., Honey, C.J., Simony, E., Arcaro, M.J., Norman, K.A., & Hasson, U. (2015). Cerebral Cortex.
* fMRI data
Closed-loop training of attention with real-time brain imaging
deBettencourt, M. T., Cohen, J. D., Lee, R. F., Norman, K. A. & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2015). Nature Neuroscience.
Neurocognitive therapeutics: From concept to application in the treatment of negative attention bias
Schnyer, D. M., Beevers, C. G., deBettencourt, M. T., Sherman, S. M., Cohen, J. D., Norman, K. A., and Turk-Browne, N. B. (2015). Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders.
Neural differentiation tracks improved recall of competing memories following interleaved study and retrieval practice
Hulbert, J. C. & Norman, K. A. (2015). Cerebral Cortex.
* fMRI data
Competition between items in working memory leads to forgetting
Lewis-Peacock, J.A. & Norman, K.A. (2014). Nature Communications.
* fMRI data
* Supplementary Material
Statistical computations underlying the dynamics of memory updating
Gershman, S. J., Radulescu, A., Norman, K. A., & Niv, Y. (2014). PLoS Computational Biology, 10.
Pruning of memories by context-based prediction error
Kim, G., Lewis-Peacock, J. A., Norman, K. A., & Turk-Browne, N. B. (2014). PNAS.
Briefly cueing memories leads to suppression of their neural representations
Poppenk, J, & Norman, K. A. (2014). Journal of Neuroscience.
Topographic factor analysis: A Bayesian model for inferring brain networks from neural data
Manning, J. R., Ranganath, R., Norman, K. A., & Blei, D. M. (2014). PLoS ONE.
Decomposing spatiotemporal brain patterns into topographic latent sources
Gershman, S. J., Blei, D. M., Norman, K. A., & Sederberg, P. B. (2014). Neuroimage.
What do differences between multi-voxel and univariate analyses mean? How subject-, spatial-, and trial-level variance impact fMRI analyses
Davis. T., LaRocque, K. F., Mumford, J., Norman, K. A., Wagner, A. D., & Poldrack, R. A. (2014). Neuroimage.
Individual differences in forced-choice recognition memory: partitioning contributions of recollection and familiarity
Migo, E. M., Quamme, J. R., Holmes, S., Bendell, A., Norman, K. A., Mayes, A. R., & Montaldi, D. (2014). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Gradual extinction prevents the return of fear: Implications for the discovery of state
Gershman, S. J., Jones, C. E., Norman, K. A., Monfils, M.-H., & Niv, Y. (2013). Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Neural context reinstatement predicts memory misattribution
Gershman, S. J., Schapiro, A. C., Hupbach A., Norman, K. A. (2013). Journal of Neuroscience.
Moderate levels of activation lead to forgetting in the think/no-think paradigm
Detre, G. J., Natarajan, A., Gershman, S. J., & Norman, K. A. (2013). Neuropsychologia.
* Supplementary Material
* P-CIT Toolbox
Foraging for thought: An inhibition-of-return-like effect resulting from directing attention within working memory
Johnson M. R., Higgins J. A., Norman K. A., Sederberg P. B., Smith T. A., & Johnson M. K. (2013). Psychological Science.
Mechanisms supporting superior source memory for familiar items: A multi-voxel pattern analysis study
Poppenk, J., & Norman, K. A. (2012). Neuropsychologia.
The successor representation and temporal context
Gershman, S. J., Moore, C. D., Todd, M. T., Norman, K. A., Sederberg, P. B. (2012). Neural Computation, 24, 1553-1568.
A topographic latent source model for fMRI data
Gershman, S. J., Blei, D. M., Pereira, F., & Norman, K. A. (2011). NeuroImage, 57, 89-100.
Human memory reconsolidation can be explained using the Temporal Context Model
Sederberg, P. B., Gershman, S. J., Polyn, S. M., & Norman, K. A. (2011). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 455-468.
How hippocampus and cortex contribute to recognition memory: Revisiting the Complementary Learning Systems model
Norman, K. A. (2010). Hippocampus, doi: 10.1002/hipo.20855.
Listening for recollection: A multi-voxel pattern analysis of recognition memory retrieval strategies
Quamme, J. R., Weiss, D. J., & Norman, K. A. (2010). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2010.00061.
* Supplementary material
Moderate excitation leads to weakening of perceptual representations
Newman, E. L., and Norman, K. A. (2010). Cerebral Cortex, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhq021.
* Supplementary material
Graded representations of emotional expressions in the left superior temporal sulcus
Said, C. P., Moore, C. D., Norman, K. A., Haxby, J. V., & Todorov, A. (2010). Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2010.00006.
A Bayesian analysis of dynamics in free recall
Socher, R., Gershman, S. J., Perotte, A. J., Sederberg, P. B., Blei, D. M., & Norman, K. A. (2009). Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22.
Recollection, familiarity, and cortical reinstatement: A multivoxel pattern analysis
Johnson, J. D., McDuff, S. G. R., Rugg, M. D., & Norman, K. A. (2009). Neuron, 63, 697-708.
Supplementary material
Task context and organization in free recall
Polyn S. M., Norman K. A., & Kahana M. J. (2009). Neuropsychologia, 47, 2158-63.
The contribution of familiarity to recognition memory is a function of test format when using similar foils
Migo, E., Montaldi, D., Norman, K. A., Quamme, J., & Mayes, A. R. (2009). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 1198-1215.
A context maintenance and retrieval model of organizational processes in free recall
Polyn, S. M., Norman, K. A., & Kahana, M. J. (2009). Psychological Review, 116(1), 129-156.
Multivoxel pattern analysis reveals increased memory targeting and reduced use of retrieved details during single-agenda source monitoring
McDuff, S. G. R., Frankel, H. C., & Norman, K. A. (2009). Journal of Neuroscience 29(2), 508-516.
Event-related potential correlates of interference effects on recognition memory
Norman, K. A., Tepe, K., Nyhus, E., & Curran, T. (2008). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15 (1), 36-43.
A neural network model of retrieval-induced forgetting
Norman, K.A., Newman, E.L. & Detre, G.J. (2007). Psychological Review 114 (4), 887-953.
Associative processes in immediate recency
Howard, M. W., Venkatadass, V., Norman, K. A., & Kahana, M. J. (2007). Memory & Cognition, 35 (7), 1700-1711.
Effect of unitization on associative recognition in amnesia
Quamme, J. R., Yonelinas, A. P. & Norman, K. A. (2007). Hippocampus, 17:192-200.
How inhibitory oscillations can train neural networks and punish competitors
Norman, K. A., Newman, E. L., Detre, G. J., & Polyn, S. M. (2006). Neural Computation, 18:1577-1610.
Category-specific cortical activity precedes recall during memory search
Polyn, S. M., Natu, V. S., Cohen, J. D., & Norman, K. A. (2005). Science, 310, 1963-1966.
Methods for reducing interference in the Complementary Learning Systems model: Oscillating inhibition and autonomous memory rehearsal
Norman, K. A., Newman E. L. & Perotte, A. J. (2005). Neural Networks 18 (9), 1212-1228.
Associative recognition in a patient with selective hippocampal lesions and relatively normal item recognition
Mayes, A. R., Holdstock, J. S., Isaac, C. L., Montaldi, D., Grigor, J., Gummer, A., Cariga, P., Downes, J. J., Tsivilis, D., Gaffan, D., Gong, Q., & Norman, K. A. (2004). Hippocampus, 14, 763-784.
Blockade of central cholinergic receptors impairs new learning and increases proactive interference in a word paired-associate memory task
Atri, A., Sherman, S. J., Norman, K. A., Kirchhoff, B. A., Nicolas, M. M., Greicius, M. D., Cramer, S., Breiter, H.C., Hasselmo, M. E., & Stern, C. E. (2004). Behavioral Neuroscience, 118, 223-236.
Modeling hippocampal and neocortical contributions to recognition memory: A complementary-learning-systems approach
Norman, K. A. & O’Reilly, R. C. (2003). Psychological Review.
* Projects as compressed tar file
* Documentation for projects
Differential effects of list strength on recollection and familiarity
Norman, K. A. (2002). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 28(6), 1083-1094.
Under what conditions is recognition spared relative to recall after selective hippocampal damage in humans?
Holdstock, J. S., Mayes, A. R., Roberts, N., Cezayirli, E., Isaac, C. L., O’Reilly, R. C., & Norman, K. A. (2002). Hippocampus, 12, 341-351.
A hippocampal model of recognition memory
O’Reilly, R. C., Norman, K. A., & McClelland, J. L. (1998). In M. I. Jordan, M. J. Kearns, & S. A. Solla (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
False recognition in younger and older adults: Exploring the characteristics of illusory memories
Norman, K. A., & Schacter, D. L. (1997). Memory & Cognition, 25, 838-848.
False recognition after a right frontal lobe infarction: Memory for general and specific information
Curran, T., Schacter, D. L., Norman, K. A., & Galluccio, L. (1997). Neuropsychologia, 35, 1035-1049.